

Will ET and KHL merge in the future?

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Why the European Trophy is something like the NHL of Europe and even better?


Do you remember a pre-season game where your team plays and most of the hardcore fans are on vacation or swimming in a nearby lake?
Well, then you definitely did not visit a European Trophy game. With an average of 4533 fans per game and a definition of “pre-season”, the tournament creates better visitor numbers than an average 6th placed team playing another 7th average team in the regular season.  Bratislava leads the visitor numbers this year, showing that the city lives with hockey even if the temperatures outside remind us of Brazilian football on the Copacabana.

Imagine now for 10 seconds we cancel the word “trophy” and substitute it with the word “league” in the description. What do you get? A league that is sponsored by top companies is supported by the biggest and most prosperous companies wanting to be visible in all of Europe. Now insert all the elements, best teams from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Remember, The NHL has teams “only” from the US and Canada, the KHL has teams from “only” Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Czech Republic and Slovakia with Slovan Bratislava joining this year. Anyhow you turn the equation, the European Trophy as a league would have 7 countries represented, that’s more than KHL (the best league in Europe and better than the NHL the best league in the world!

The question remains money, while the NHL lives by long traditions, long-term sponsorships and team franchises that produce more or equally than the salary cap, it’s no surprise that it’s the best league. The Kontinental Hockey League (KHL), is heavily sponsored by large oil giants, it only combines 1 of the elements that make a league successful (money). Now back to the European League, you have derbies (Sweden vs. Finland, Austria vs. Germany, Slovakia vs. Czech Republic and Switzerland vs. Austria or Germany you have so a small world cup game every weekend!

So is the European Trophy/League better than the NHL or KHL? You can judge yourself on one of the Final games played in Bratislava!

Roland Ondrus

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Západná konferencia

P Tím Z B
1. CSKA Moskva 38 81
2. Jokerit Helsinki 38 68
3. Lokomotiv Jaroslavľ 40 77
4. Torpedo Nižnij Novgorod 39 67
5. HC Soči 39 65
6. Dynamo Moskva 39 65
7. SKA Petrohrad 38 62
8. Dinamo Minsk 38 56
9. Medveščak Záhreb 40 56
10. HC SLOVAN Bratislava 40 55
11. Spartak Moskva 39 50
12. Viťaz Podolsk 39 46
13. Dinamo Riga 37 46
14. Severstaľ Čerepovec 38 40
Kompletné tabuľky

Individuálne štatistiky

# Hráč Z B
1. Barker Cam 36 27
2. Kaspar Lukas 38 24
3. Ticar Rok 37 19
4. Jeglic Ziga 40 18
5. Bartovic Milan 40 15
6. Nagy Ladislav 34 14
7. Stastny Andrej 31 13
8. Surovy Tomas 40 12
9. Viedensky Marek 40 12
10. Nedorost Vaclav 34 11